Real Madrid fans slam Modrić and Valverde over Messi votes

Real Madrid fans slam Modrić and Valverde over Messi votes

In a startling turn of events, sections of the Real Madrid fanbase erupted on social media, expressing vehement anger towards two pivotal members of Carlo Ancelotti's squad – Luka Modrić and Federico Valverde. The controversy stemmed from revelations that both midfielders played a decisive role in Lionel Messi securing the FIFA 'The Best' award, causing an outpouring of frustration from fans worldwide.

The Messi tiebreaker unleashes fury

As the dust settled on Monday, it emerged that Lionel Messi and Erling Haaland were deadlocked in votes for the coveted award. The tiebreaker, determined by the first-placed selections of international captains globally, saw Modrić and Valverde placing Messi at the pinnacle of their respective lists. This revelation triggered a tsunami of criticism, with Real Madrid faithful accusing the duo of a betrayal linked to Messi's storied past with Barcelona.

Fans took to the digital realm, bombarding the social media accounts of Modrić and Valverde. The ire was not solely focused on the FIFA votes but also extended to questioning the players' commitment to Real Madrid, overshadowing their individual contributions to the club.

As the sun rose on a new day, the criticism aimed at Luka Modrić and Federico Valverde showed no signs of waning. Tuesday witnessed a continuation of the fanbase's vocal displeasure, with a peculiar shift towards the official Instagram account of the club.

Exit calls echo in the digital arena

In a bizarre twist, certain fans have escalated their dissatisfaction by calling for the departure of Modrić and Valverde from the revered club. The comments section on Real Madrid's Instagram account has become a battleground, with supporters vociferously demanding the swift exit of the midfield duo. The perceived betrayal of club loyalty due to their votes for Messi has sparked an unprecedented outcry, raising questions about the players' future in the white jersey.

As the saga unfolds, the football world watches with bated breath to see how Real Madrid, Modrić, Valverde, and their impassioned fanbase navigate through this unforeseen storm of controversy.